Somehow, I suddenly began to pay attention to the fact that in the summer the radiator fan began to work very often. At first I took it to the heat ... but now it's autumn, I start the car after the night and a minute later the fan starts spinning with all its power, obviously the engine has not yet warmed up. I began to read the forum, for a long time I could not understand what was happening. I opened the electrical circuit and began to study the issue.
Once again I read the forum and guessed what was the matter! I went into the yard, removed a small box from the radiator called the fan resistor from the car, rang with a multimeter ... and the resistor burned out! although to be more precise, the thermal fuse burned out. And the ECU, not seeing resistance when the radiator fan relay No. 1 is turned on, immediately turns on the radiator fan relay No. 3 (at an increased speed)
. I had to farm on black.
I took and soldered a couple of terminals and inserted an ordinary fuse into them.
I assumed the solution as temporary until I buy a thermal fuse or find it at a disassembly for an adequate price, but there is nothing more permanent than temporary. I have already run over 20 thousand km, and I have not heard about the fan for no reason.
The position of the part on the radiator