W203/S203/CL203 [2000 - 2004]
W203/S203/CL203 [2000 - 2004]
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Mercedes-Benz W203 compressor repair

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I’ll immediately move on to removing the intake manifold. The rightmost bolt must be unscrewed with the E10 asterisk key, because the riser under the oil filter interferes, the photo of the key is on the next picture. In order to unscrew it, you need to remove the fuel line with injectors, it can be removed easily, pull a little over the right edge and it will pop out, then completely remove it, you won’t break it for sure, it is held there by rubber bands.

I circled the bolt, which is difficult to unscrew with a simple head, you need a long and thin E10, in the photo I made it myself. There are 7 bolts in total.

Let's start removing the compressor. To remove the compressor, you will need an E12 sprocket head and a simple E12 sprocket key, you need to unscrew 5 bolts and 2 more bolts to disconnect the inlet reservoir, then you can completely pull it out, you need to remove it to the top and disconnect the wire going to the throttle compressor. This photo shows 4 bolts, the 2nd bolt is like the 1st, only under the compressor drive. 

This tank needs to be removed. Both bolts are on the bottom.

After unscrewing the bolts from above. Disconnect the air conditioning hose.

The 5th bolt from the compressor, by unscrewing it, you will completely disconnect the compressor, it will not fall, you can not be afraid. The 6th bolt from the tank I mentioned above.

And finally the 7th bolt. Bolts from the tank head E10. It is advisable to unscrew this bolt with an extension cord, it will be more convenient, but you can do it that way.

By the way, there are also problems, this is a mass wire, it was also torn off. attached to the side of the compressor.

The same mass wire, repaired and fixed, here, of course, the compressor is washed.

Here's what you need for oil changes and compressor maintenance.

The hole where you need to fill the oil.



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