When starting on a hot engine, the speed decreases from 1000 to 600, and then smoothly equalizes to normal. The car never stalled. We were advised to change the DTOZH. Someone helped. I rearranged today. Stuck from the TAMA firm. The price is ridiculous 400 rubles. But, alas, the problem did not go away. Also dips on hot. It didn't get any worse, and that's good. The old sensor was all like a scum. I put it to soak in a descaler. Cleaned it up. Then he became as new. It was possible not to change, but who knew. In the process of replacement, his wife helped. Even, most likely, she did everything herself. I just took pictures. She says sensors are not a man's job to change.

The color scheme on the box should be red-violet. Inscription (letters) without color shift. On a fake Chinese - the color is blue, and the letters are shifted to the left.

Barcode on original box

We see the old DTOZH

The connector is disconnected.

Unscrew the old one.

The old original with three diamonds on the case is resting. He plowed the top ten, however. Old but not useless!

The new DT is installed in place with the same female handle.

Everything new at work.

The original is soaked. Not decommissioned yet.

Source: http://www.drive2.ru/l/7110566/