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Nissan Qashqai Paddle Switch Housing Replacement

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A couple of months ago I had an airbag warning light on my dashboard. After reading the forums a bit, I thought I’d get by with a little bloodshed - like resetting the error myself, or finding a cable that either dangles or is not fully plugged in, but no, it didn’t work out. And then there was only one solution left - to replace the "snail" or "shell" under the steering wheel - whoever calls it, but its real name is "Steering column switch housing" with the article B5567-JD00A which costs 5385 rubles at the moment, in the autodock 5488 rubles. I ordered it on the Internet, at that time it cost me 2300, now it is about 1800, it has fallen in price. This time I waited for a very long time (by the measure of all my purchases from China) - 38 days, although some goods arrived in 10 days, but it’s not so important. After reading a little instructions, we decided to change the whole thing.
To begin with, they threw off the + (plus) of the battery, then the most interesting.

unscrew the 3 bolts from the bottom of the casing of the steering shoe

with a thin screwdriver on the left and right on the casing, we snap off the latches and fold the lower part of the casing down and the upper part up so that nothing interferes with us

on the right and left, insert thin screwdrivers into the holes and unfasten the airbag

disconnect the pillow, before that, be sure to unfasten 2 connectors

then we disconnect the steering column switches and begin to remove the "snail", but first we unscrew the central nut that holds the steering wheel, and remove the steering wheel itself

disconnect 3 connectors from the snail and remove it

here is our new chinese snail

When they lie side by side, it is hard to distinguish the original from China, the only thing is that we unscrew the plastic cover from the old part (it is held on by 3 bolts) and twist it onto a new spare part, since it is not there.

Next, we change to a Chinese friend, connect 3 pillow plugs, put it in place and

only after we installed it - we remove the latch, which I so wanted to remove, taking the snail out of the box.
Next, we assemble everything in the reverse order, connect all the connectors, without fully latching the pillow, we get out of the car (for safety), connect the battery terminal, and if the pillow did not fire, we climb into the car, snap the pillow to the end, and throw off the error according to the old method. Second day, no errors.


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