And so, the moment has come to remove the box from the engine, it is better to do it together (my father helped me in this). To begin with, we tie the box with a winch.
Bottom view
Top view
And we begin to unscrew the bolts securing the box to the engine, the bolts differ in size, so be sure to remember where the bolt was.
Three bolts hold the box on top (unfortunately there is no good photo), wires are held on one of them (the closest to the cabin).
Five bolts are held in front (2 under No. 1 and 3 under No. 2).
Bolts at the front
Only two bolts at the back
Rear bolts
After that, you need to "pull off" the box from the engine, for which we use a "strong" screwdriver (or something else), finding the "gap" between the engine and the box, we try to move it to the side.
That's all, it remains to carefully pull out the input shaft of the box and the actual box from the engine compartment (I got it under the wheel arch).
Wheel brand
Removed box, all in the dirt
Side view
After that, it was necessary to wash the box.
Already clean
Here were the top three bolts of the box