Picture #1 shows the left screw.
Picture #2 shows the right screw. Then we remove by pulling on ourselves a rag casing, which is installed above the steering block or directly supporting from below the instrument panel itself.
When it is possible to remove the casing, two self-tapping screws will open in front of us, which fasten the instrument panel to the torpedo, photo No. 3.
And here is the most interesting, as always, two pitfalls. To finally remove it, you need to squeeze a knife between the torpedo and the instrument panel, or a flat screwdriver or any hard flat plate that can be pushed into the indicated joint between the tidy and the torpedo photo No. 4.
And here are actually two heroes of the occasion - two metal latches that hold on to the ledges on the tidy and prevent it from being removed photo No. 5.
The tidy is pulled out without removing the steering wheel: remove it from the installation site and move it to the left, as indicated in photo No. 6. before that, of course, pull the steering wheel towards you and lower it down.
Before removing the tidy, it is necessary to unfasten the plug of photo No. 7 with an interesting mount.
Source: https://www.drive2.ru/l/335379/