Parts and consumables
- Coolant
- Funnel
- Rags
The manufacturer recommends using an ethylene glycol-based coolant (antifreeze). Check with your vehicle dealer for the brand of fluid you have filled in your vehicle.
Do not mix liquids of different colors and brands. If you need to add coolant, and you do not know the brand of the filled fluid, replace all the fluid in the cooling system.
Use only the manufacturer recommended by the dealer. Remember that using poor quality coolant will result in costly engine repairs.
Checking the level and adding coolant Hyundai Accent MC
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and open the hood.The expansion tank is installed in the engine compartment on the right mudguard.

2. On the side of the reservoir there are marks F (MAX) and L (MIN), between which the liquid level should be on a cold engine (for clarity the reservoir has been removed).

3. If the fluid level in the reservoir is at or below the L mark, open the expansion reservoir cap.

4. Refill the tank in a coolant, a bit not bringing the level to the mark with the F.

Do not pour fluid into the reservoir above the “F” mark, as the volume of fluid increases when the engine is running. The expansion tank cap must be screwed on when starting the engine.
5. After adding fluid, tightly close the cap of the coolant expansion tank.

Any coolant adhering to engine parts or paintwork must be removed with a cloth.
It is convenient to use a funnel to make adding liquid easier. If there is no funnel for adding liquid, you can make a funnel from the neck of a plastic bottle.
If the coolant level in the expansion tank is constantly decreasing, then the cooling system is likely to be leaking. In this case, it is necessary to check the tightness of the cooling system and eliminate the malfunction.
If the freshly poured antifreeze suddenly suddenly turns brown quickly, it means that you were sold a fake, in which you "forgot" to add corrosion inhibitors. Change the fluid as soon as possible before it has time to corrode the cooling system.
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- Photos of parts and consumables