I bought a car with yellowed headlights … I decided to polish it.
- sandpaper 1200, 1500, 2000 (100 rubles)
- polishing soft nozzle for a drill-screwdriver (280 rubles)
- GOI paste (lay around at home for a long time)
- a couple of rags of various structures
- a basin of water (for wetting sandpaper)
- masking tape, so as not to accidentally wipe the varnish and paint where it is not necessary.
Before polishing right headlight
Before polishing the left headlight (photo with flash).
We glue the headlight with adhesive tape, and proceed to overwrite.
At this stage, I was a little tired and thought that I had only made it worse. The work is painstaking and requires patience.
And here is something similar to the result appeared.
It was beginning to get dark, and he turned to the second headlight.
The headlights certainly did not become new, but I am very pleased with the result! The light became more concentrated and clear.
Perhaps the service turned out faster and better, the time was spent 1.5-2 hours.
Source: https://www.drive2.ru/l/6492799/