1. Air in the brake system, leakage of brake fluid through leaks in the hydraulic drive connections, damage to the cuffs in the main brake cylinder, pressure regulator, damage to the brake pipes and hoses - Inspect all lines, their threaded connections and cylinders, eliminate leaks. Restore the normal fluid level in the hydraulic reservoir and bleed the system. If any damage to the brake hoses (cracks, swelling or traces of brake fluid) is found, replace the hoses. If you suspect defects in the master brake cylinder, replace it with a serviceable one.
2. The rubber cuffs of the cylinders are swollen due to the ingress of oil, gasoline, etc. into the brake fluid. - Replace the cylinders, hoses, completely drain the brake fluid, flush the system with fresh fluid and pump it.
3. The clearance between the pads and the drum is increased (the automatic clearance adjustment mechanism does not work) - Replace the elements of the automatic clearance adjustment mechanism.
4. One of the circuits of the working brake system does not work - Eliminate the leakage of fluid from the brake system, bleed the system.
Source: http://wiki.zr.ru/Transmission_241-5_Diagnosis_Logan_2005