Rice. 1.179. Fuse box
The fuse block that protects the lighting circuits and other electrical equipment is located under the instrument panel opposite the driver's seat (Fig. 1.179).
Inside the block is a table of protected circuits.
Rice. 1.180. fuse puller
If any of the vehicle's lights or electrical equipment has stopped working, a blown fuse may be the cause. If the fuse is blown, the metal strip inside it breaks. To replace a fuse, open the fuse box and check the integrity of each fuse. Remove each fuse by pulling it towards you (to simplify this operation, there is a special puller in the fuse box) (Fig. 1.180).
Source: http://www.navigator.mn/hyundai-matrix/ekspluatatsiya-i-tehnicheskoe-obsluzhivanie-avtomobilya/ozhdenie-i-obsluzhivanie-avtomobilya/proverka-i-zamena-plavkih-predohraniteley.html