Nissan Almera Classic Air Conditioner Cleaning
In fact, there is nothing complicated. And the air conditioner began to give out clean air, otherwise there was a smell of cold dust!
Opened the door, unfastened the glove box, took out the filter. I unscrewed the protection on the left - there are two screws: one is visible, and the second is under the plastic protection.
Subsequently, I sprayed chlorhexidine right where the filter is inserted.
You drive the foam all the way to failure into the evaporator tube.
Foam at the auto market 300 rubles.
After the cleaning process has been completed, 4 tubes of 100 ml. in a spray bottle, there is also a little essential oil of Scotch pine, it also kills germs + smell.
I sprayed chlorhexidine everywhere I could, it couldn't get any worse. Look for a more detailed description on the Internet.