1. Open the front door of the Peugeot 207 on the driver's side.
2. At the bottom of the doorway, pull up on the hood release handle.
Hood opening handle.
3. In front of the car, under the front edge of the hood, there is an external hood opening lever.
Outer hood release
4. Pull the outer lever to the left and open the Peugeot 207 hood.
5. Remove the hood thrust post from the retainer.
Fixed hood stay
6. Install a stop post in one of the two hood slots to secure it in the open position.
After installing the Peugeot 207 support rack, make sure that the rack is securely installed in the appropriate hole in the hood and there is no chance of it unexpectedly falling. If you doubt the reliability of the standard stop or it is simply missing, then pick up a strong bar of suitable length and install it between the body and the hood cover.
Source: carpedia.club